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Philodendron Sp Colombia (Grower's Choice)

Philodendron Sp Colombia (Grower's Choice)

Philodendron sp Colombia is endemic to Colombia hence the name. It is sometimes called Philodendron Sp. Silver. The leaves are striking and pillowy, with a greenish/bluish tint.


Philodendron SP Colombia is a crawling philodendron like Philodendron Gloriousum, which means they tend to stay close to the pot and grow their rhizomes vertically.


Use an airy potting medium such as coconut coir, perlite and orchid bark. The plants is an epithetic Aroid so it usually climbs trees and creates its home there. Using a heavy mix that doesn’t provide enough aeration doesn’t aid in optimal growth.


Fertilize in through spring, summer and fall with a slow release or houseplant fertilizer.


    Plant ships in a nursery pot. Decorative pot is not included.

    We do not ship to Hawaii or Puerto Rico.  USPS and UPS are our preferred carriers.  All plants are packaged and handled with love. 

    The potting medium is covered to prevent major spilling; however, some soil may spill in transit.  

    Heat packs and insulation are available for an extra charge of $5.00 each. 


    See our Store Policies.

$150.00 Regular Price
$99.00Sale Price
Excluding Sales Tax |
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